2021-9-9 8:29:25
当您的货物很大(超过一个托盘)或任何尺寸的货物(如果您不急于将货物送到目的地)时,海运是有意义的。在运费方面,除最小的货物外,通过海运运输的所有货物都将便宜(与空运成本相比),因此如果您的预算有限,拼箱(小于集装箱装载)或FCL(整箱装载)装运将是您最好的选择。作为全球历史最悠久、知识最渊博的空运代理之一,Western Overseas Corporation 提供的空运代理服务不仅快速可靠,而且专为您的业务量身定制。我们与优质承运人的长期合作关系加上我们先进的跟踪平台,使我们能够提供精简、经济高效并根据您的业务需求量身定制的空运代理服务。此外,作为一家提供全方位服务的全球航运和现代物流公司,无需与众多公司合作来处理您的全球航运,我们是您将货物从原产地运输到目的地的一体化无缝解决方案通过陆地、空中或海洋。
Bangladesh imposes registration requirements on commercial importers and private industrial consumers. In some cases, the registrations specify maximum values of imports. Commercial importers are defined as those who import goods for sale without further processing. Private industrial consumers are units registered with one of four sponsoring agencies: the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA), for industries located in the Export Processing Zones (EPZs); the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC), for small and medium-sized enterprises; the Handloom Board, for handloom industries run by weavers’ associations engaged in the preservation of classical Bangladesh weaving techniques; and the Bangladesh Investment Development Board (BIDA) (formerly the Board of Investment), for all other private industries.
当您的货物很大(超过一个托盘)或任何尺寸的货物(如果您不急于将货物送到目的地)时,海运是有意义的。在运费方面,除最小的货物外,通过海运运输的所有货物都将便宜(与空运成本相比),因此如果您的预算有限,拼箱(小于集装箱装载)或FCL(整箱装载)装运将是您最好的选择。作为全球历史最悠久、知识最渊博的空运代理之一,Western Overseas Corporation 提供的空运代理服务不仅快速可靠,而且专为您的业务量身定制。我们与优质承运人的长期合作关系加上我们先进的跟踪平台,使我们能够提供精简、经济高效并根据您的业务需求量身定制的空运代理服务。此外,作为一家提供全方位服务的全球航运和现代物流公司,无需与众多公司合作来处理您的全球航运,我们是您将货物从原产地运输到目的地的一体化无缝解决方案通过陆地、空中或海洋。
Bangladesh imposes registration requirements on commercial importers and private industrial consumers. In some cases, the registrations specify maximum values of imports. Commercial importers are defined as those who import goods for sale without further processing. Private industrial consumers are units registered with one of four sponsoring agencies: the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA), for industries located in the Export Processing Zones (EPZs); the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC), for small and medium-sized enterprises; the Handloom Board, for handloom industries run by weavers’ associations engaged in the preservation of classical Bangladesh weaving techniques; and the Bangladesh Investment Development Board (BIDA) (formerly the Board of Investment), for all other private industries.